Tom Dardick Reading and Book Signing

Z-Arts presents Tom Dardick, Author, reading and book signing

Join us Friday, October 15, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Canyon Community Center, Springdale, Utah!

Tom will be reading from his new sci-fi thriller, Sudden Onset. He’ll also speak about the writing process, and what it takes to write a novel.

In Sudden Onset, Microbiology Professor, Dr. Mira Wallace, is brilliant, driven, and single-minded. She must find out how Life on earth began. Maybe it’s her autism, maybe it’s something in her past, but she suffers Earth’s most extreme environments in the search for life’s beginnings. In the genetic codes of simple microbes, she finds clues to solve one of nature’s most challenging puzzles. As the story begins, we find her in Antarctica, risking life and limb in the nearly impossible effort to sample an ancient ecosystem. Success within her grasp, the US Army commandeers her to investigate a mysterious biological threat in the Utah desert.

SONA (Sudden Onset Necrosis Agent) is a pathogen unlike anything known to science. Resilient and aggressive, it threatens all life on earth, making Mira fear the Army’s unwanted intrusion may have just presented what she’s been looking for—but it’s deadly. When politicians get involved, everyone, including SONA, is about to be disturbed!

Sudden Onset is available for checkout at the Springdale Library or at

About Tom Dardick

Tom Dardick is a student of the human condition. That’s the commonality between his various projects, of which he maybe has too many. He runs a consulting practice in which he helps organizations with culture and people strategy, and he runs an R&D company that aspires to bring a technology invented by his grandfather to the marketplace.

He also plays drums and sings in two rock bands, as well as various worship ensembles at his church. His lifelong passion is writing, with multiple book projects in varying stages of completion. When not coaching, writing, or playing the drums, Tom enjoys time with family and friends (and fits in reading and studying via online courses whenever possible). Tom wrote Sudden Onset with his brother, Chris, who has a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology and has published over 100 scientific papers, reviews, and book chapters on virology, microbiology, evolution, genetics, and plant biology.

Please note: Z-Arts requires attendees wear masks for the protection of each other.